are you using DHCP on the windows machines or static IP's?  

Quaylar wrote:
> hiho...
> as u will possibly know from various earlier posts i am trying to connect a
> linux and a win machine through thin ethernet.
> up to now i was having the problem that the 2 machines were not able to
> ping each other although everything was set right on both sides..
> now i found a posting on deja where a guy described the same problem, he
> was stating that his lan was working IF:
> he first powered up the win machine and THEN the linux machine......
> so i tried this and it really worked, the lan works when i am first
> powering up the win machine and then the linux machine, vice versa i get
> ping timeouts......
> has anyone of u already experienced this or can anyone give any hints on
> this phenomenon ?...
> any thoughts will be appreciated......;)
> --quay
> ------------------------------
> -Quaylar-
> Icq# 30932448
> <! Knowledge is power >

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