it depends really.  I usually go through and remove kernel support for
everything that I don't have/use.  This and the processor optimizations
usually give me a little bit of performance increase.  The last time I
did it I benchmarked quake3 before and after.  There was a 15fps
increase with the newly compiled kernel.  Not a lot but noticeable if
your machine is hovering around 40fps.

The two things I do to a stock mandrake install that seem to result in
the most noticeable speed increase are:

1.  Recompile X and all apps that I use regularly- vast speed
improvement here.  Windowmaker opens within a second of hitting enter
after typing startx.  The gimp is open and running in one second.  Yes,
one.  I just timed it.  Konqueror (an app I don't recompile) 2 seconds.  

2.  Hdparm:  before optimizations netscape takes five or more seconds to
open.  After it takes around 2.  Boot up speed is not affected because I
place the optimizations in rc.local so it gets run at the end of boot

Basically no single thing adds a lot of speed to the machine but all of
these things in conjunciton do quite a bit to speed up the machine.


Sridhar Dhanapalan wrote:
> Would this really make a difference in speed/performance? Most of what I've
> read regarding kernel recompiles say that there's not much to be gained from
> it.
> On Tue, 23 Jan 2001 08:36, abe wrote:
> > with the 2.2.x series you can use PPro.  If your using the 2.4.x kernel
> > there is a K7 optimization option.
> >
> > "Blomquist, Niklas" wrote:
> > > Hello!
> > >
> > > Witch kernel optimizations should I use for a AMD Athlon?
> > >
> > > /Niklas
> --
> Sridhar Dhanapalan.
>         "There are two major products that come from Berkeley:
>         LSD and UNIX. We don't believe this to be a coincidence."
>                 -- Jeremy S. Anderson

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