Esteemed Linux'ers,

    I installed linux on my Pentium 90 Mhz box along with a brand-new
RTL8139 NIC 10/100 Mbps, and connected the NIC to a brand-new NewMedia
Livewire Hub with Cat5 wire.  I also purchased 2-additional RTL8139 NIC's
and installed them in my NEC Pentium 200 MMX computer running Win98 SE2, and
my Compaq 1Ghz computer running Windows 2000.
    Not knowing at all what I was doing during the linux installation, I
loaded it, guessing at all this new terminology.  I had three glowing link
lights on my hub!  I was actually able to telnet from my Windows 2000 box
into the linux box!  (Yay!)
    After reading posts on Linux-newbie, I changed some settings here, some
there, now I only have a link light for my linux box.  The link lights for
the Win boxes light up during boot-up, then midway during the boot process
they go blank.
    I don't have any idea what I did to cause this, but I *did* do
something, as I tweaked both machines quite a bit after the first install.
I have tweaked myself into some unknown tweak area and don't know how to get
out!  Any ideas, plleaaasee?


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