I'm trying to help my brother get a dual boot going with mandrake and
win98se on an A7V.  His windows drive is an ATA 100 drive on the primary
ATA100 controller.  His mandrake drive is an ata66 drive on the primary
ata66 drive.  I can get mandrake to see the ATA100 drive by passing
ide2=0x8400,0x8002 ide3=0x7800,0x7402
to lilo at boot time.  I've set lilo up to include that so that he can
mount/browse his windows drive from linux.  However, I cannot figure out
how to configure lilo to successfully boot to the windows drive.

Has anyone done this or does anyone know how to do this?  I read the
lilo man pages but I couldn't find an answer to my question. 
Please help!


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