When trying to install Mandrake 7.2, with the boot disk I had created in my 
floppy, and the Installation ISO disk I had burned from Linux- 
Mandrake.Com's site in my CD-Rom, when it seems to be setting up the next 
installation screen after "Initializing CD-Rom":

"Mount Failed: Invalid Argument"

So the message says that this should not happen, so it is stopping the 
install, and you have to reboot.

*sigh* It sucks being a newbie again. :}

This system is a Pentium 166 MMX w/ 80 MB RAM:
C:\ 2 GB Drive (Win95)
D:\ 3.5 GB Drive (Currently Win95, but I wanted to put Mandrake here, for a 
dual boot system... if I get it to ever install. ;})
E:\ Sony ATAPI CDU-511 16x (I -think- it is 16x) CD-Rom

Hitting CTRL-ALT-(F3 thru F5) after the error, resulted in finding, relating 
to the CD, when Mandrake was trying to set up it was:

* Running the ide_probe.o, ide_probe.mod (Failed)
* Ran the cd_rom.o and ide_cd.o (Ran OK)
* Said that hdc: ATAPI 8x CD-Rom Drive, 128 kb cache
* At the very end of the process, it did tons of "Attempt to access beyond 
the end of this device" errors.
* "VFS: Can't find an ext2 file system on dev ramdisk"

Uh, why would the ide_probe fail? Should it have been trying to mound hdd as 
the CD-Rom? How can this be fixed? What is the average air-speed velocity of 
an unladen swallow? ;}

Thank you for listening to me babble. ;} I seem to be at my wit's end ... 
and I didn't have far to go in the first place. ;}

-T.J. Maher

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