
  Has this been addressed yet?  If not....

> How can I set LM7.2 to see a Win2000 partition?

  This depends upon two things:  1. What format you'd chosen to
install W2k on (ntfs or fat32) & 2. Depending upon your answer to
1., how your kernel's compiled.

  If you'd installed W2k on ntfs, enter this in /etc/fstab:

/dev/hda1       /win    ntfs     user,exec,umask=0 0 0

  If you'd installed on w32, enter this:

/dev/hda1       /win    vfat     user,exec,umask=0 0 0

  Then create a directory off of / called win (you can name this
anything you'd like so long as you name it the same in fstab, but
win is simple & easier to type).

  Now, as to the kernel issue, if you attempt to save a file to
your /win directory & get an error that that is not permitted,
you'll have to recompile your kernel for ntfs rw.  Ask if you
don't know anything about recompiling.

  Also, while you probabaly have your W2k partition at the
beginning of your dirve, /dev/hda1, you may not & would have to
determine what you'd enter there instead.  But hda1 is pretty


  "I did this 'cause Linux gives me a woody."
  -Dave '-ddt->' Taylor, announcing DOOM for Linux

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