Isn't this the same Microsoft that I read about a week or two back? The
one that is proposing to convert the US election process to an
internet-based system in place of the current hodge podge of paper
ballots, electromechanical machines, punch cards and scanners currently
used at a cost of only a few kGDP's*? (OK, to be fair, they've got two
partners working with them.) The idea is to let a couple of script
kiddies emulate the Florida election officials, but much more
efficiently and on a much broader scale. I, for one, look forward to all
of the talking heads on TV news explaining the difference between blue
and black screens of death. Feel free to add your own fantasy. (It's
Friday, folks.)

* kilo Gross National Products


Ed Tharp wrote:
> an intersting article from
> http://www.wired.com/news/business/0,1367,41454,00.html
> wired news
> But sources close to the company insist that Microsoft had indeed been the
> victim of a denial of service attack on Thursday.
> It also appears that Microsoft has now handed over the management of its DNS
> routing systems to Akamai, and may be running Linux on at least one of its
> servers.

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