At 16:22 29.01.2001 +0000, you wrote:

> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: Quaylar [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> > Sent: Monday, January 29, 2001 11:00 AM
> > Subject: Re: [newbie] Activating Mulitcast
> >
> >
> > At 09:54 29.01.2001 +0000, you wrote:
> > >I need to activate IP multicast on my linux (mandrake 6.2) install.
> > >
> > >I am reliably told I need to do the following:
> > >         ifconfig etho multicast
> > >         route add -net netmask dev eth0
> > >
> > >However, when I try these I end up with an error "interface
> > eth0 not found".
> > >
> > >I'm guessing that this might be because my kernel doesnt
> > have multicast
> > >activated.
> >
> > far as i know......(and i am a newbie 2)----if it
> > says "eth0 not
> > found"----then u simply have no correctly installed network card..
> > or.....and in this case it is obvious : u didnt bring up the
> > interface......: "ifconfig eth0 multicast " only
> > configures......and does
> > not bring issue a "ifconfig etho multicast up" and have a
> > look.....(hmm......btw....i think i remember something about ifconfig
> > saying that it would add a "up" by default if someone forgets
> > it.....,
> > so...maybe u really havent installed your card right)...
> >
> > but anyways.....try it with "ifconfig etho multicast up" and
> > come back
> > again if it doesnt work.......
> >
>okay, well heres the first problem.  I dont even have a network card!
>I wasnt aware that eth0 was relating to a network card.
>Do I need a network card to activate multicast?
>Basically, this is single installation of linux and I'm doing some Java
>that requires multicast IP to be activated.  I dont connect to a network
>(and dont want to)
>I just want to activate multicast.
>any ideas?

following is a short cut from the multicast howto 

If you want just to send and receive, you must say yes to "IP: 
multicasting" when configuring your kernel. If you also want your Linux box 
to act as a multicast router (mrouter) you also need to enable multicast 
routing in the kernel by selecting "IP: forwarding/gatewaying", "IP: 
multicast routing" and "IP: tunneling", the latter because new versions of 
mrouted relay on IP tunneling to send multicast datagrams encapsulated into 
unicast ones. This is necessary when establishing tunnels between multicast 
hosts separated by unicast-only networks and routers. (The mrouted is a 
daemon that implements the multicast routing algorithm -the routing policy- 
and instructs the kernel on how to route multicast datagrams).
Some kernel versions label multicast routing as "EXPERIMENTAL", so you 
should enable "Prompt for development and/or incomplete code/drivers" in 
the "Code maturity level options" section.

for details check out the complete howto @ provided url.....
maybe this gets u on the right way......;)

anyways......i dont understand what sense it makes to activate multicast 
without a network card......


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