On Monday 29 January 2001 01:32 pm, you wrote:
> alright.....many thanks to u guys for those hints......think i will prepare
> a clean installation of 7.2 instead of upgrading and fiddling around trying
> to get things working again.......;)
> --quay
Just to throw my 2 cents in here. I have one box that is a dual boot and I 
don't worry much about what is on it so I did an update from 7.1 to 7.2, well 
it was an accident. Late at night, went to do a clean install, hit upgrade 
and didn't notice blah,blah,blah....Anyway it turned out that the upgrade 
went well. I have yet to run into a problem. So the point is, if you are 
going to do a clean install anyway, why not try an upgrade or at least a 
install but save your /home by not formatting it? Then if it doesn't work you 
have lost nothing. FWIW,  Dennis
  Dennis M.
  Registered Linux user #180842

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