On Tuesday 30 January 2001 07:42 pm, Lee wrote:
> I can not run 'sndconfig', where ?

     Please, NO html, both y'all, plain text only. Thanks

   'sndconfig' should be run as root ONLY from a level 3 terminal. That 
means that X (-Windows) must NOT be running. This is very important, and 
most otherwise well meaning people neglect to mention it.  So how to get 
to a level 3 prompt ? Well, as with most things in Linux, there's lot'sa 
ways, a couple are:
   If you're booting up, type 'linux 3'.  If X is already runnin, mash
<Crtl+Alt, F2>.  With both, you'll need to be root. If you're user, 
logout, then log back in as root. Then run 'sndconfig', answer the 
questions. Done.

   If this isn't successful, the next step is to admit to yourself that 
you've got less than desirable hardware.  Your only alternative here is 
to learn somethin about the hardware you have ... and what you should 
have.  'Tell ya right now, 810 (actually i8<anything>) is in the 'should 
not have' category.  JMNSHO
Tom Brinkman        [EMAIL PROTECTED]        Galveston Bay

> Subject: Re: [newbie] Intel 810 sound card cannot work ?!
> > Try running sndconfig from root. Hopefully it will clear up your
> > problem.  I had to run sndconfig to get my sound running.  It will
> > configure both wav and midi sound.

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