Since you've just started using Linux, I'm going to assume you don't
intend to use it as any kind of server.  That makes this rather easy
Your /etc/hosts.deny should be nothing but the following line...
(Lines starting with # are okay, too.)

And your /etc/hosts.allow should be blank or just comment (#) lines.

To be even safer, try running ntsysv and unchecking any services you
don't need.  Typically, amd, anacron, atd, autofs, crond, cups (if you
use it for printing), drakfont, gpm, harddrake, ipchains, keytable,
kheader, kudzu, netfs (if you need NFS access - not to be confused with
nfs, the server), network, numlock, sound, syslog, and usb.

"Jason D. Williard" wrote:
> I just started using linux meaningfuilly.  I would like to make my machine
> as secure as possible.  The first thing that I would like to do is
> configure my hosts.allow and hosts.deny files.  I am not exactly sure as
> to how to configure them though.  Could someone please send me an example
> or give me a few good ideas of what I should do?
> As well, if there are any other things that I should do to secure my
> machine, please let me know.
> Thank you,
> Jason D. Williard

Digital Wokan, Tribal Mage of the Electronics Age
Guerilla Linux Warrior

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