ok, this is the first time i've ever posted a question, and i'm not very 
knowlegdeable with linux at all, so forgive me if i ask questions with 
painfully obvious answers.  first off i guess i should say that i am using 
linux mandrake 7.2 complete.  i am trying to learn c programming, so i need 
the gcc compliler, the make utility, and a debugger.  the book i am reading 
"teach yourself c for linux programming in 21 days", reccomends that i use 
the ddd debugger.  i typed in gcc -v, and make -v in the console to make 
sure i had the compiler and make utility installed, which i did, but i can't 
find anything on the debugger.  i don't know if i have one installed or 
what.  there is a cd that came with my book that has all the stuff for the 
compiler, and make utility and ddd debugger.  i was wondering how to install 
the debugger off of the cd if anybody could help me with that. i don't 
really know how to use the redhat package manager.  and secondly, that 
leaves me with the question , is my cd rom mounted?  i'm not really sure how 
to tell if it is or not, and if it isn't, i don't know how to mount it.  i 
have linux set up ontop of windows 98 with lnx4win.  if i put a cd in the cd 
rom in windows, and than boot into linux, linux will read the cd that is in. 
  but if i put a cd in, while already in linux, i get errors, and it won't 
read the cd.  if anybody could help me out, i would so greatly appreciate 
it.  i'm sorry this is so long, i don't know if you are supposed to keep 
these messages short or not.
         thank you very much,
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