At 19:54 02.02.2001 +1030, you wrote:
>Hi to the group.
>               I am very new to Linux and would welcome some help. I have 
> installed Mandrake 7.2 and think it's the best I've tried. Firstly would 
> someone please take me throught the procedure for installing new software 
> both from a CDROM and from the internet. If I have to type anything in 
> would you please tell me where to put it.  ( gee, that leaves me open )
>I'd very much like to try the browser Konqueror and would welcome a list 
>of things I have to do to get it on my machine.
>                    Many thanks,
>                        Ozgeek


linux mandrake uses the rpm-mechanism, most programs are coming in so 
called "rpm-packages" which u can download from various sources from the 
internet i.e. (or org ?),,
the other way is to install them from the cdrom u got with your mandrake 
distro. u will find the rpm packages under /Mandrake/RPMS of your binary cd.
u have 2 ways of installing those packages :
1) do it from the command line with the command "rpm 
-i(install)v(verify)h(print hashes) *.rpm"
2) do it in X enverionment (i assume u use KDE) with the program "kpackage"
     if u dont have a link in your start menu, open a terminal and simply 
type "kpackage"

this will open a gui for package managment, where u can see all the 
installed packages on the left side, and where u can install new packages 
by selecting "file/open" and then choosing the /path/*.rpm file u want to 



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