hi all...

short question regarding disk partitions.
as my original 500 MB /usr partition was too small i decided to use a 1GB 
scsi disk for my new /usr.
i made a 1:1 copy of my /usr partition using norton ghost, extending the 
partition on the scsi disk to 1GB.
now i mounted the partition on the scsi disk as /usr expecting it to be 1 
GB, i issued a df and got:

                               1k-blocks                      used 
          available       use%         mounted on

/dev/sdb1                524292                          509100 
   0                  100                 /usr

(skipping the /dev/hda1)

when i do a fdisk /dev/sdb i get :

/dev/sdb1           1-1017           1054598+            83             Linux

so it seems that i have indeed a 1 GB partition on my 1 GB scsi 
disk------but df says that its only 500 MB ......how is this possible ?????

thx for any advice.....


Icq# 30932448
<! Knowledge is power >

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