It is a newbie list for Linux.

Nobody said it was a newbie list for automated email lists.

There is a difference.

The only thing any human has to do with a subscription to automated email
lists is to use his or her index finger to power on the server that does all
the receiving and sending and suscribing and unsubscribing.


----- Original Message -----
From: -michael- <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, February 06, 2001 2:48 AM
Subject: [newbie] Condescenscion

> I was under the impression this was a newbie list! I half-expected, though
> wasn't able to handle, the 'we know more than you do' attitude of the
> on the freeBSD IRQ channel who convinved me to forget about trying freeBSD
> their cold shoulder...I just hope that those people who have a hard time
> getting off this list don't get the same bad taste in their mouths...
> (from Webster's)
> Main Entry: con·de·scen·sion
> Pronunciation: "kän-di-'sen(t)-sh&n
> Function: noun
> Etymology: Late Latin condescension-, condescensio, from condescendere
> Date: 1647
> 1 : voluntary descent from one's rank or dignity in relations with an
> 2 : patronizing attitude or behavior
> --
> -michael-

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