i have noticed that for a week or so that i have had no mail for root from 
the system, investigating /var/spool/mail shows no entries where i could have 
sworn there used to be a directory or file (file i think) named 'root' or 
similar, i have mailx and procmail installed according to kpackage, 
the following is the output of a console:

[root@mycroft bascule]# mail
No mail for root
[root@mycroft bascule]# mail bascule
Subject: test
testCc: [root@mycroft bascule]# /usr/sbin/sendmail: No such file or directory 
sendmail? i have never installed this prog, can someone advise what may have 
happened or how to fix, i always used to get messages from cron jobs and 
doubt that all of a sudden my box is running perfectly!


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