
  You know the penguin graphic & the info about the 'puter which
comes up when booting to a text login?  Well, I'm not too hot for
the graphic & find the info about the box a huge security hole
(same thing comes up when telnetting or ssh'ing in -- though
without the graphic).

  I'd edited the rc file, removed the hard coded graphic & edited
the text.  It was fine till I'd rebooted.  RedHat would (I've
read) only display what one wanted after editing that rc file
(but I didn't know that when I was running RH).  Now, in lm7.2, I
really want it gone.

  What overwrites the changes made in that rc file, so I can get
it to stop showing up?


  "I did this 'cause Linux gives me a woody."
  -Dave '-ddt->' Taylor, announcing DOOM for Linux

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