Hertoto Eko Prasetyotomo wrote:
> Hi linux'ers
> I'm really newbie in linux (that's why I'm asking a basic
> question).
> I have linux installed in my computer. Right now I have two
> hardisks. One hardisk has 3 windows partition plus 3 linux
> partition. The other disk has 2 windows partition (The
> windows partition is FAT32). The problem is I still don't
> know how to mount the second disk (disk with 2 windows
> partition). I have try (various) mount command but linux
> still cannot read the partition. Could you please help me?
> Hertoto

Hertoto....first you need to create two new directories to 
use as mount points for the two fat32 partitions.  These 
directories can be located pretty much anywhare you want them 
to be for your own convenience (because the mount-point 
directoery is where you'll have to go to look at the fat32 

Then, as root, edit your /etc/fstab file and add two lines 
like these:

/dev/hdbX /mnt/(mount point #1) vfat user,exec,umask=0 0 0
/dev/hdbY /mnt/(mount point #2) vfat user,exec,umask=0 0 0

where X  and Y are the correct partition numbers for your 
system and mount points #1 and #2 are the full paths of the 
directories you created to be the mount points.  Save the 

Then, in a console, as root type:

mount /(mount point #1)
mount /(mount point #2)

where the mount points are the full path of the directories 
you created to be the mount points.  

With the /etc/fstab file set up this way, once root mounts 
the partitions, any user should be able to access the mounted 

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