
> Steven Boothe wrote:
> > Greetings:

> > Would someone please help me change the sound notification
> > of incoming mail?

> > There is an[...] option to "Execute command line on new
> > mail", but I don't have any idea of what to put there.

> > Version: KDE 2.0.1

> > As a side note, wouldn't it be great if we could assign
> > different sounds for different filters? That would make it
> > possible to continue downloading and filing my 100 or so
> > list messages a day, but when I got something person I
> > would here a specific sound... eh?

> Steven....you need a sound file to specify (I use a .wav)
> then remove the X from the "Beep on new mail" selection and
> add an X to the "Execute command line on new mail" selection
> and then in the space provided type this:

> play /(complete path to file)/(sound file).wav

> If the above command will execute from a console comand line
> it will execute from here as well.

  While my experience with kmail was in RedHat 6.0, I'd opened it
& had a look in (now) lm7.2.  This is the ~way~ you set it up,
true, but don't count on it working indefinitely.  In the kmail
which was in RH 6.0 & when I'd upgraded it, the wav file only
worked when mail came in for a short period -- then only the beep
would work.  I was running Gnome with E at the time.

  As for different sounds for different filters, I doubt this
will happen (though I've wanted that feature for years) in ~any~
mail reader for a very long time (if ever).  Though I should
think that the developer of pronto might easily consider setting
that feature.  If you don't know, pronto's pretty cool, but early
in development.  You'll find it quite a bit better in many
respects than kmail (but keep in mind -- I'm a pine die-hard;-).


  "I did this 'cause Linux gives me a woody."
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