First off, what really sucks is posting HTML messages. Some mail readers
(where the term "mail readers" includes both programs and people) don't
like it. The yellow background really pissed me off. TURN IT OFF.
It's been my experience that PM 6 doesn't have any problems with Linux,
although I seem to recall that the Partition Info that was part of PM 4
was not entirely happy. Since everything ran fine, I stopped worrying
about it. FWIW, my PM 6 manual says that it only supports Linux ext2 and
swap file systems -- not a word about Reiser.
Since my general rule is that there is less grief if I use MS utilities
for MS stuff, and Linux utilities for Linux, I have no experience with
Boot Manager. Lilo and grub have done just fine. Something comes to
mind, though: Until some time last year, Linux had to be located so that
the boot sector was located below cylinder 1024. That problem has been
resolved. Could it be that your version of Boot Manager isn't hip to the
-- cmg

> Michael Hagen wrote:
> I can install 7.2 as second OS (/root, swap, /home partitions) ito 8GB
> of free space on my primary drive (following Win 98 in first 8GB) and
> boot to it no problem from rescue floppy.
> But when I launch Partition Magic from Win, I get this error:
> Disk 2(8056MB 1027c 255h 63s) appears to have partitions created using
> a different drive geometry (1h 63s). This serious problem can lead to
> data loss. No partition manipulations should be made to this disk
> using this product or the operating system's products. You should back
> up the data on this disk, delete all partitions,create new partitions
> under the new drive geometry, and then restore your data using the
> backup.
> Disk is a 40 GB IBM with a recent install-from-scratch of Win98 in
> first 8GB, 8GB Linux, 24GB free space
> BootMagic likewise fails to recognize the second 8G as Linux.
> Since this was a fresh Mandrake, I could and did reinstall.
> Tried both Reiser and standard filesystems.PowerQuest likes neither.
> Nothing under my control in install made any obvious reference to
> drive geometry.
> I'm sorely tempted to return to Ranish Partition Manager and LILO
> here.
> Somebody please tell me that Partition Magic 5 just sucks and is the
> cause of my problems?
> Or is PartitionMagic telling me the truth and the Mandrake installer
> has gone rogue, misreading my drive?
> Thanks for any advice.

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