Tanggal 11 Feb 2001, dari Jim Skoff :
> Hi, this is a very newbie like question but I just installed Mandrake 7.2 
> and can't find where I can switch window managers. I wan't to run Window 
> Maker. Can anyone help?

type this at your console:
echo "wmaker" > ~/.xinitrc

next time if you want to go back to KDE, simply remove the file:
rm ~/.xinitrc

or make a file called "wmaker" with this 3 lines:

echo "wmaker" > ~/.xinitrc;

save it, and do:
chmod +x wmaker

to execute it:

you can make this file as many as you like.
another example:

echo "gkrellm &" > ~/.xinitrc;
echo "xterm -e pine &" >> ~/.xinitrc;
echo "blackbox" >> ~/.xinitrc;

> Thanks in advance,
> Jim


"Oooo. Don'tcha just hate it when that happens."
        -- Sarge, Quake 3 Arena

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