Tanggal 12 Feb 2001, dari phobos :
> Hi to all!  Just got a quick question: I have a 10.2GB HD which I am 
> planing to use for LM 7.0.  I am not about to dual boot it with anything 
> so it will be the whole thing for LM.  Can someone help with 
> recomendation on the optimal partition of this HD?  Any help would be 
> appreciated.
> phobos

if i were you:
linux-swap      128mb
/boot           15mb
/               10mb
/usr            2.5gb (mkdir opt, and symlink to /opt, dont know how
                to do it during setup)
/var            300mb (i use mysql a lot, symlink tmp to /tmp)
/home           the rest of it

usr, home, and var will be reiserfs :)

if you want something simple:
linux-swap      128mb
/               3gb
/home           rest of it

dont forget to read Partition-mini-HOWTO for reference


"Consider yourself lucky. I only let the Adrianator do that."
    -- Slash, "Quake 3 Arena"

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