> I cannot use the Alt Function keys to switch to a Virtual
> Console.  Alt F1 brings up  the Menu.  The others, nothing...
> I need access to Consoles.  Is there a way to do this?  As I
> recall, under my previous Red Hat installation I could do it.

  You want Ctl+Alt+F1, or F2, etc.  Then, to go back to any gui
from there, Alt+F7, or F8, F9 (depending on how many you have
running -- I think up to F10).

> Also,  I can find no way to log into a Console when I I log out of Gnome.

  Not sure what you mean.  You should be at a consol prompt when
you exit X, but you're already logged in to the system.  So, you
wouldn't have a login prompt unless you popped to another vc from


  "I did this 'cause Linux gives me a woody."
  -Dave '-ddt->' Taylor, announcing DOOM for Linux

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