
> I have just installed the update of the cups files with the
> Update tools from Mandrake (7.2 version). Since then, I can
> not print anymore.  The commands like lpd do not exist anymore.
> When I try ton configure my printer with the cups tools,
> nothing happens. When I use the Printer tool from Mandrake, a
> dialog box says that the cups database is being rebuilt but
> after a few > minuts disappear without doing anything else.

> Has someone the solution ?

  I too have this problem, though I'd gone a step further.  I
removed the update & installed cups & lpd from the lm7.2 CD.  Now
I get everything appearing to be fine, but nothing comes out of
the printer....

  What's the deal?


  "I did this 'cause Linux gives me a woody."
  -Dave '-ddt->' Taylor, announcing DOOM for Linux

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