** Reply to message from DRX <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> on Fri, 16 Feb 2001 15:07:31

There is a simple answer, which has a finite chance of being correct (it was
for me).  For those of us who switched from OS/2 or Windows, Linux only need one
click to launch, where OS/2 and Windows need two.  If you double click on
"Internet" or whatever launches your pppd, then you automatically open two
instances.  One of which is good, and one will produce the error that you
received.  So, clear everything by logging out and then back in again.  See if
any pppd instances are running immediately (if you have no menu item that you
can identify), open a terminal window and type "ps -ef", which lists all running
programs.  Look for pppd in that list.  If none, click only once on your pppd

I know it's silly, but it worked for me -- I'm familiar with lots of operating
systems, and it's always stuff like this that drives me nuts.....  ;-)

- Andy

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