On Saturday 17 February 2001 08:27, you wrote:
> Hi:
> Do to the poor quality of a certain operating system, I'm having to
> reinstall it on a duel boot system. Linux is still running great (both
> were installed on the same day) and I don't want to lose it, but given
> the nature of WinXos, I will lose LILO and GRUB. After reinstalling the
> other operating system, how do I put my friend LILO and GRUB back in?
> I know this involves booting with the boot disk, but just not sure what
> cammands I need to run to get Linux back in control.
> Thanks,

  Actually, the best way to do this in the future, is to make a seperate 
boot partition for  LM and then after that, you simply make that the 
active partition with "fdisk" or any other partition manager after you 
reinstall Windows.   Unforetunely, I don't know how to re-establish the 
partition the "usual way". I'm sure someone else will know the the answer. :)

daniel in NJ..

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