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----- Original Message -----
From: "jf arocha" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, February 15, 2001 3:52 PM
Subject: [newbie] Is there something like these in Linux?

Having been a Mac user for many years (and a recent Linux convert with
LM7.2)), there are a few things that I have become used to while doing
day-to-day work. One of them is a macro program (QuickKeys, OneClick and
KeyQuencer). I am interested in getting something like this for Linux or
even something that works like Applescript.

Also, in the Mac there are a couple of programs (TypeIt4Me, for those who
know, is one of them. And I think in Windows too, Autocorrect-plus, or
something like that) that work like the autocorrect feature in M$Word, but
do it system-wide, with any program. Is here something like that in Linux?

Any ideas?



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