When I ran xscanimage I got a message saying, "Xscanimage is a gimp 
plug-in and must be run the the Gimp to be used."

It came up anyway, scanned just fine and put the image in a file.  I was 
then able to run the Gimp and manipulate it a little.

The message implies to me that I could run the Gimp and scan directlly 
from it.  However, I can find no way to acquire an image from Gimp.  I 
guess this is because the xscanimage is not installed as a plug-in.  Can 
find no mention of how to do this in Help or any of the Gimp docs.

Can someone help me out by either pointing to the relevent doc file or 
help section or tell me how to do this?

It may not be possible to scan from Gimp but the message sure makes 
me believe it is.

Thank you.

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