>> http://www.d.kth.se/~d96-jja/bash/bashtut.html#history
>> Basically it's the GNU replacement for sh.
>> > Does anyone know where bash came from?
>Origenally there was the bourne shell in unix, when linus needed a
>he revived it,improved it and called it the bourne again shell or

Jeez, RMS is pulling his hair out! Check the link above. It's not
from Linus; he's responsible for the kernel. It's from the GNU
project, and the name is a joke. (Bourne again shell) It couldn't be
called a Bourne shell, which is what shipped from AT&T, but it's a
drop in replacement superset of the old Bourne shell. All the old !sh
scripts I've ever tried run correctly under bash, and /bin/sh is
usually a link to bash.


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