Owner can be anyone -- I would suggest root. But for public access, just 
make sure that "owner", "group" and "other" all have read/write/execute 
         chmod -R 777 /home/public

For only read/write, but not execute, use:
         chmod -R 733 /home/public

'man chmod' for more info


At 01:57 PM 02/22/2001 +0100, you wrote:
>      I want to have a directory in /home which every user can get to, and
>put files in as well as take files from.  Who should I set as owner?  Is
>there some kind of function so that I can set "anyone" as owner?
>                                                            DRX

Dave Sherman
SoftServ Business Systems, Inc.            "Quid quid latine dictum sit,
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                                  altum viditur."
(763) 569-9839

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