This is what I'm currently trying to get running in windows2000 using NTFS.
The problem is that lilo doesn't recognize any NTFS partition.  I think I
read the same tutorial you did, but I haven't got it working, let me know if
you have any success.


----- Original Message -----
From: "Michael" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, February 22, 2001 5:24 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Dual boot: Mandrake and NT question??

> I actually installed Boot Magic along with Partition Magic and I lost
> access to my D Drive (NTFS), on the install.  I called PQ and they
> helped me straighten it out.  They said not to install Boot Magic until
> the Linux install was completed.  This is one of the reasons I asked if
> there were any more little surprises to expect.
> I've read a tutorial about not installing LILO in the MBR, instead,
> configure LILO and place it on the Linux Primary partition.  But then it
> said to add a line in the NT boot.ini file, (C:\BOOTSECT.LIN="Now Linux
> is here")
> and use dd to create a boot record image(# dd if=/dev/hda3 bs=512
> count=1 of=/dosc/bootsect.lin), and boot from the NTLoader.  Is this
> what you are talking about?
> Michael
> eryl wrote:
> >
> > If you've installed boot magic and are booting the ntloader from it, it
> > will be a piece of cake.  Don't use DiskDrak to format your partitions
> > though, use the existing formatted partitions you made with partition
> > magic and just assign them / and /home and /swap, etc. and don't put
> > lilo in the mbr.  For some reason, a couple of times I had a problem
> > with the partition table (as viewed from partition magic) if I formatted
> > the already partition magic created ext2 partitions with DiskDrak.  The
> > installation worked fine and boot magic worked fine, but partition magic
> > would no longer load.  The last dozen or so times I've used the NT
> > bootloader instead, it is a bit more difficult but eliminates the need
> > for more software.
> --
> Michael Lewis
> Registered Linux User #197864

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