Sergio Carmona wrote:
> It all started when I installed RedHat Linux 7.0 in my PII 300 Machine with 64 Ram
> The config was as follows:
> Primary Master: Win98
> Primary Slave: Linux
> Secondary Master: IDE CDROM
> I logged in Linux with KDE and tried to access my CDROM, I did with no 
> The CDROM still powers on with the computer and works fine on linux but I can't use 
>it under Win98 anymore
> does anyone know why did this happen?
> Any ideas on how to fix it?

That is definitely a Windows problem.  Check your Windows Device
Properties, and look to see if you are running in "MSDOS Compatibilty
Mode".  I'll bet that you either have a problem with your ide controller
(chip driver not installed or not installed properly), your master/slave
jumper for the cdrom, or you have installed a Windows program that loads
a driver before the ide controller vxd.  Hit the F8 before the Windows
splash screen and choose to keep a bootlog.txt file so you can look
through it and see what has failed to load.  

I don't think that having hda as master and hdb as slave on ide1 and the
CD as master on ide2 would cause that, but if in doubt, it's easy to
change the CdRom to slave on ide1 and make hdb the master on ide2.

Good luck, and let us know what you find.

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