Title: Root problems???

Tried to install lnx4win with Mandrake
7.2 went through the installation
and configuration and was told to
reboot. Once I did I received a kernal
panick error with an unable to load root
fs error.

I have a Athlon 700 with a FIC SD11
motherboard, creative CDRom, BTC CDR,
Soundblaster live soundcard, Kingston
ethernet card, 3dfx Voodoo3 3000
video card. It appears the program
detected all my devices. I have a 30 gig
western digital hard drive. I set it up
to use the maximum amount of space
3gig and a maximum swap file 300meg? Any
ideas or should I just uninstall
what I have and reinstall again. Oh yea
the install I picked was typical

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