I know your pain with trying out Linux.
I tried Corel Linux 1rst edition and I couldn't get it past the video card configuration. Most of the forum help I got from Corel was intolerant with newbies. I tried Linux4Windows but I only got as far as a half hour loading of the K desktop. I was informed by many users that Linux4Windows is far too slow, although it shouldn't be that slow, and I was better off with a full blown installation on a dedicated partition.
I bought another harddrive, 30GB WesternDigital, and tried installing the full version 7.2 sadly though at that time I was using my TV as a monitor and I couldn't see very clearly the on  screen direction to install. I bought my monitor now but haven't gotten around to installing it.
My specs with any user who can provide suggestions or hints.
1GHz AMD Athlon
4GB Hddrive with Windows ME
30GB Hddrive intended for Linux or for video editing.
ATI All In Wonder 128PCI 16MB

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