For the most part I would have to say yes.  It is safe to delete those.
But I would go through them first.  Just to make sure there aren't any
isntall logs it there that you may need later for some support issue or
something else.  That's one reason why I keep install logs else where as
well.  Things I know I'll want to look at later.  Then add that
directory to my install scripts.

Looking at one of my Mandrake machines at home, here's what my log
directory looks like.

[root@yoda log]# ls -asCF
total 2584
   4 ./                 4 lpr/             44 syslog.2.gz
   4 ../                4 mail/            12 syslog.3.gz
  32 XFree86.0.log    580 messages          4 urpmi.log
  20 XFree86.9.log     48 messages.1.gz     4 user.log
   8 auth.log          44 messages.2.gz     4 user.log.1.gz
   8 auth.log.1.gz     12 messages.3.gz     4 user.log.2.gz
   4 auth.log.2.gz      0 netconf.log       4 user.log.3.gz
   4 auth.log.3.gz      4 news/             0 usracct
 372 boot.log           0 pacct             4 vbox/
  20 boot.log.1.gz      4 samba/            4 webmin/
   8 boot.log.2.gz      0 savacct           4 wtmp
   4 boot.log.3.gz      4 secure            8 wtmp.1.gz
   4 cron/              4 secure.1.gz       0 xdm-error.log
   4 cups/              4 secure.2.gz      20 xdm-error.log.1
   4 daemons/           4 secure.3.gz      20 xdm-error.log.2
   4 dmesg              4 security/         4 xferlog
   0 htmlaccess.log   540 security.log      0 xferlog.1
   4 kernel/            0 spooler          28 xferlog.2
   4 lastlog            0 statistics        0 xferlog.3
   4 lastlog.1.gz     588 syslog
   4 linuxconf/        48 syslog.1.gz

The boot stuff... I'm pretty sure you can geet rid of all of them except
the first one.  It's nice to have that for reference.  Messages may want
to keep, may not, user you coul probably stand to do with out.  Messages
is so large, it's hard to really extract what you need from it.  Same
thing for syslog.  The rest you should look at and then decide if you
want to keep them some place as part of a back up, or for a learning

T. Holmes

"Real Men use Vi."

* Dale Kosan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [010228 12:56]:
> Hello, in the /var/log directory I am seeing a whole bunch of tar.gz
> logs, I assume these are old and that logrotate generated them.Are
> they safe to delete if I don't need them? Thanks in advance....

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