I've only been using it for a few days now but my experience so far has been 
pretty good.  I live in seattle and my house lost power after the earthquake. 
 When I turned my linux box back on after the power was back up it booted 
right up, no file system errors and no scanning.  Just a normal boot.  I'm 
happy with it ;-)

Also, I noticed that my over all through put from my HD's is a bit higher 
then with ext2.  All the apps I've run work fine and I still get 150fps in 
quake3 ;-)

Go for it.


On Wednesday 28 February 2001 13:28, you wrote:
> Why (or why not) shuold I use ReiserFS?
> What is the good part and what is the bad?
> /N

Just because I sit in front of a terminal all day doesn't
mean I couldn't hunt you down and rightiously kick your ass
to feed my newfound cannabalism.
                                                anonymous slashdot poster

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