HEY !! I don't mind a crude joke, a little bad language perhaps but this is 
just SICK ! How about a little respect for younger/female/parents on this 
list ?

On Sunday 04 March 2001 12:40, you wrote:
> Julio Gutierrez wrote:
> > To all you people!
> > I just downloaded 8.0 beta and let me tell you this OS is tighter than a
> > 16 yr old girl, you guys should check out the new interface, it's outta
> > this world, still some bugs but I think the final release is gonna be one
> > of the best Mandrakes I've ever seen, a little Windowy but hey what the
> > heck this is free and if Microscared don't like they can kiss some daemon
> > a** anyways you all should check it out
> >
> > Laters
> >
> > Julio
> >
> > -------------------------------------------------------
> Okay you dirty little boy how tight is it then? as a 8 year old girl :-)

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