Dear Pat:

I think I know a solution. I once played with Minicom just for the fun 
of it and ran into the same root/user problem. The solution is, if I 
recall, very simple:

First in a console type:

whereis minicom

If I recall, the rpm usually installs into /usr/local

Now, using Konqueror as File Manager (as root -- in the console su to 
root, then type "konqueror" without the quotes), go to 
/usr/local/minicom or wherever the minicom executable is and go into 
Permissions. Read, write and exec should be checked for the user. Now 
change the owner from "root" to "user". That's all there is to it.

Now close down Konqueror and launch minicom from your prompt as user:

$minicom -c

The -c is for color.

This should do it. Hope this works.

Sher's Russian Web
Benjamin and Anna Sher

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