I've got a 56k V90/voice/fax/data Modem card in my Sony Vaio which worked 
"out of the box" it is an unknown brand - Zonet - but it is 100% hardware, it 
cost me about £39 in the U.K - have a look at http://www.zonet.com.tw 

On Monday 05 March 2001 21:56, you wrote:
> Hi --
> I need to buy a modem for my laptop (Toshiba 1625) running Linux 7.0.  I
> got hold of a NEC (Cadmus) PCMCIA modem last week to try it out.  The
> computer could find the modem in the PCMCIA slot, but I could not connect
> to it.  Have any of you successfully used a PCMCIA modem with a
> laptop/Linux?  If so, how did you make it work?
> Secondarily, what modem would you advise getting?
> Thanks.
> pete

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