Hi there again...I am back with more questions about Linux.

First off, I am glad this group is here for people who are like me and
that really don't know Linux, but want to find out.  There are lots of
great people on here that are very helpful.

I finally got my GUI to work, even though it isn't X Windows, it is
better than nothing.  I use KDE Desktop, for which does fine in 800x600
resolution.  Now the stuff I don't know...

1) How do I get Netscape, AIM, or any other internet application to

REASONS:  I use the kPPP program and I connect to T-Three using the PAP
type of connection.  T-Three does NOT use a HTTP or FTP proxy so I left
those spots blank.  The way T-Three operates is that it has username
and password, and then connect.  It doesn't need any scripts to my
knowledge.  I connect with NO PROBLEM, it is just running the programs.

2) How do I have it recognize my zip drive on parallel port number 2
(LPT2 for DOS/Windows people)?

REASONS:  I tried the following command: modprobe ppa AND modprobe imm
and neither one load the module.  This was done in # mode, plus I even
tried mount /dev/sd[x]4 -t vfat /mnt/disk with no results.  Both say
there is no device hooked up.

3) How do I have it recognize my CDRW drive?

REASONS:  I have my first CDROM drive (read only) recognized with no
problem what so ever.  So when I installed StarOffice 5.1 it worked
great.  Now I would like to be able to create MP3's, create my own CD's
(from my own CD collection) and create CD's for my own backup purposes.

4) Is there any Scanner software out there that will work?  

REASON:   I have a parallel port SCANNER that I would also like to use.

Thanks again EVERYONE!

Richard Wegner
Linux Newbie

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