Jack Gillis wrote:
> I just made a mistake in installing. I forgot to tell the
> installer to put LILO in hda7, my boot, partition.  It went
> into the MBR and that messed up my IBM Boot Manager.  I got
> that straightened out with fdisk /newmbr but now I need to
> get LILO onto hda7 so Linux will boot.
> I've seen the answer to this several times but, I am
> ashamed to say that I never paid any attention to it
> because of confidence I would never make that mistake. 
> Well here I am looking for the answer.
> Will some kind person please tell me how to do this? 
> (Chatisements humbly accepted.)
> Thank you.

Jack....edit (as root) the first line of /etc/lilo.conf to 


and save it.  Then in console mode as root, execute lilo, 
like this:

/sbin/lilo -v


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