i'm only stabbing in the dark, but i'm guessing that you mean that you want 
to boot the win2k bootloader that then offers you win2k or win9x, is win2k 
like other versions of win and picky about being on the 'first' hard drive? 
if so what about getting grub to map the hard drives from first and second to 
second and first respectively?

this may be tosh but then again...


On Thursday 08 March 2001 11:27 pm, mok unexpected wrote:
> Here the story goes,
> Primary harddisk holds only Mandrake 7.2, where GRUB
> is the default loader. Secondary harddisk has Windows
> ME and Windows 200 (dual boot). 
> So at GRUB, to activate the Windows partition
> chainloader, the code is:
> title Windows
> bootnoverify (hd1,0) #second hd
> makeactive
> chainloader +1
> According to the man GRUB, this should be the syntax
> to load another chainloader in different hd (other
> than the first hd). But after the whole night of
> trying, I still can't get it works, anyone has done
> the similar things before? Anyone can help?
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