Actually, Ed, I had much the same problem. USR's technical support(including web site) 
was about as helpful as sticking my face in a meat grinder. That's a gripe for another 
time, however.

While he could disable PnP in his BIOS it could affect the modem's operation in 
windows. I was directed to the following information by another member of this list, 
as a matter of fact.

You need to tag this onto the end of one of your startup scripts:
exec setserial /dev/ttyS4 irq ? port ? ^fourport ^auto_irq skip_test autoconfig spd_vhi

You will need to replace the first question mark with the IRQ that the device is 
using. You can either do this by looking for the device's information in /proc/pci or, 
if you're not quite on your penguin feet yet, in the windows device manager. The port 
setting(second question mark) I'd suggest you find in the /proc/pci file. (Might try 
"grep -A 5 USR" if you don't feel like digging through the whole file. If your kernel 
doesn't recognize the brand of the modem it may not work, though.)

Once you have that information in the startup script you'll want to(as root) go into 
the /dev/ directory and do the following
rm -f modem
ln -s /dev/ttyS4 /dev/modem

Then you can use the device /dev/modem in any dialer from then on.
  Hope this works for you.

  - Ben

------Original Message------
From: "Ed Tharp" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: March 10, 2001 11:28:45 PM GMT
Subject: Re: [newbie] MODEM Com port?

first charley... can you access the bios (CMOS) setup when the computer
starts, and turn OFF "plug and pray aware OS" (since *nix -like linux- are
not plug and pray aware OS) then run (SU to root in a console window -
without the quotes-) "cat /proc/pci" and read the info printed out...
looking for a communication controller or something... that will tell you
the info to setup a "setserial" command. post the info or e-mail me and I
will try to help. I would bet USR or 3com would have some info on their
website too
----- Original Message -----
From: "Charley & Peggy Robinson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, March 10, 2001 5:59 PM
Subject: [newbie] MODEM Com port?

>   I'm using a 3-Com (USR)  MD-U56P2977 PCI hardware (they told me)
> MODEM.  The BIOS in the 'pooter assigned it to Com 5, according to win
> dev mgr.  Trouble is,  X or Gnome deal only with Coms 1 - 4, so I can't
> reconfigure the SW in a GUI.  Sadly, I don't know enuff yet to do it in
> console mode.  I've been searching MUO, MNO, etc, but haven't found any
> specific info yet.
>   Can anyone tell me where the info is stored and how to access/change
> the com port?
>   TIA,
>   Charley

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