
> On Monday 12 March 2001 00:47, Derek Rayne wrote:
> > Warning: The following hosts are unknown:

> >          home.netscape.com
> >          home6.netscape.com
> >          internic.net

On Mon, 12 Mar 2001, Renaud OLGIATI wrote:
> When I got fed up with getting the same message from Netscape
> each time it strated, I added the three domain names above to
> the " localhost" line in the /etc/hosts file.

> Never been bothered since  ;-)

  You know, for years (since M$ & NS started this), I just
couldn't get it.  While once you're on-line & have been using a
browser, any url starting with home.whatever works fine, it's
rarely worked as an initial home page.  Also, with Internic, I
think they've changed their url (long ago now) to something like
NetworkSolutions.Com.  First, do away with home & replace with
www & try the NetworkSolutions.Com url.  Should work much better.



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