When you installed Linux you would have had to installed the kernel source then you would go to the directory called "/usr/souce/linux" (sometimes its /usr/src/linux-2.2.18 or something like that).  then you would type "make menuconfig" then once you have made all the settings for your computer, type "make dep", "make install", "make modules", "make modules_install".  But I must warn you this is a tricky thing for a newbie.  (It can get sticky for those who know what they are doing).  The biggest speed increase comes from two things, you can compile the kernel optimized for your particular processor (LM comes compile for Pentium, but you can optimize for PIII, Cyrix, Athlon/Duron/Thunderbird, etc).  The second comes from removing drivers from the kernel that you are using (why have ISDN support when you don't even have one or plan to get one).
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Monday, March 12, 2001 1:27 AM
Subject: [newbie] recompiling the kernel

I've heard of some things, such as, recompiling the kernel, could possibly help the computer go faster and more effecient. How is this possible and how do you do it?

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