I had this exact same problem.

I'm using a USB keyboard, although my system has provision for PS/2 connections - I 
only get the NAKS error when the USB keyboard is plugged in, although the keyboard 
itself works fine in Linux.

I got around the "can't type during install" thang by using a PS/2 keyboard during the 
install then switching the the USB after the install completes.

Not sure if it helps.....

>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 03/13 5:07 am >>>
I too am getting excessive NAKS though the keyboard seems to
 work fine in Windows.  I changed to a plain jane keyboard,
 also from Microsoft, and got the same problem.  I am using a
 3 month old Dell XPS B1000 1 GHz machine, though I stole the
 plain jane from a brand new 1.4GHz Dell machine.

I have a probably related question.  When I installed
 Mandrake 7.2 I saw the NAK messages.  Eventually the system
 got to the point where it asks for the name and password of
 the root user.  I could not type in anything--no repsonse to
 the keyboard.  So I clicked " no password" and
 proceeded--apparently leaving root as the user with no
 password.  When the installation finished I was able to type
 at will.  I would also like to be able to correct the "root"
 problem.  Is there a way at this point to do so? I did a
 renistall by the way that went the same way and left me in
 the same state.



I lofet phone messsages and email on other probelms last
 MOnday and never heard back from your support folks.


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