Can I ask how you folks got the second (and beyond)
linux distributions installed? Everytime I've tried
that I've run into problems because the new
distribution sees the old distributions root, boot,
usr, etc, and refuses to create new ones.

I have a windows/mandrake dual boot system with about
10 gigs on allocated disk space. I'd like to try to
get Slackware or Debian installed in that empty space.

--- philomena <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> triple boot should be no problem - I have 5 on one
> machine -  4 linux
> and a win98. There's probably a better way, but I
> just set up a
> different boot partition for each OS, and use grub
> as the bootloader. I
> did the partitioning first using Partition Magic.
> cheers,
> philomena

Peter Smith, Cambridge, MA, USA
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