Sounds like PPP is the problem, I think you need root privileges to run
ppp so it terminates. Way around this is to set the 'Setuid' bit so anyone
who runs it , runs it with root privs.
Check these files:
then as root do the following:
do a ls -l to find the permissions, you should get:
-rwsr-xr-x   1 root root 
on both files, notice the 's'
if its not set to s then do a 
chmod u+s [filename] to both files
make sure root is owner and group if not do:
chown root root [filename]

try this, if it doesnt cure it dont despair as there are a few more things
which might need checking  ;-)



 On Wed, 21 Mar 2001, dan burrows

> hi all
> i need some help i have managed to solve my winmodem problem by getting an
> external modem is an usr sportsterflash modem
> it connects fine in both windows98 and 2k bur i cant seem to successfully
> connect in linux
> i am using mandrake 7.2 with kde2 and kppp
> it dails, handshakes and appers to get to authentication then fails! i am
> using NTLworld as my isp. i am using the correct user name and pass and i am
> using PAP which i belive to be correct..
> anyone any ideas?
> thanks
> dan
> '(Wales is) a ghastly place, huge gangs of tough, sinewy men roaming the
> valleys terrifying people with their close-harmony singing. You need half a
> pint of phlegm in your throat just to pronounce the place names. Never ask
> for directions in Wales, Baldrick - you'll be washing spit out of your hair
> for a fortnight.'
> -- Blackadder, Amy And Amiability

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