On Sunday 25 March 2001 17:55, you wrote:
> Thanks Civilme for the tips.
> However, when I get into rescue mode and type
> fdisk -l /dev/hda
> I get nothing but the prompt back.  No error message.
> When I try to mount, it doesn't give me an error, but
> instead just doesn't mount anything.


What IS your configuration?  get into rescue again, put a DOS-formatted 
floppy in the drive and

# mount -t vfat /dev/fd0 /mnt
# dmesg > /mnt/dmesg.txt
# lspci -vv > /mnt/lspci.txt
# sync
# umount /dev/fd0
Boot back into windows (with the floppy out)  Put it back in and attach the 
files to an email directly to me.


> Any additional suggestions?
> Jessie B.
> --- Civileme <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > On Sunday 25 March 2001 13:05, you wrote:
> > > I've found out that my boot partition is
> >
> > corrupted.  I
> >
> > > don't know anything else beyond that, except that
> >
> > when
> >
> > > in grub I try to find vmlinuz, nothing is
> >
> > returned.  I
> >
> > > can still get to my Windows side and backup all
> >
> > data
> >
> > > there.  Is there anyway to get to the Linux data
> >
> > from
> >
> > > the Windows side to archive it?
> > >
> > > Thanks,
> > >
> > > Jessie B.
> >
> > Well, slow down there, Tex.  We don't need to shoot
> > the disk quite yet.
> >
> > Try this
> >
> > Put in your CD and boot.  When the splash screen
> > appears hit F1 then type
> > "rescue" (without the quotes). and hit return.  When
> > the rescue prompt comes
> > up, do this
> >
> > # fdisk -l /dev/hda
> >
> > That will give you all of your partitions in a
> > list--do you remember which
> > one was root?
> >
> > If you do not, then do this for each partition
> >
> > # mount /dev/hda5 /mnt  #the 5 is an example--look
> > at your partition table and
> >                                    # use only those
> > linux native not swap
> > # cd /mnt/etc  # if you do NOT get an error message,
> > you have found your root
> > # umount /dev/hda5   # assuming you have not found
> > it go to the next
> >
> > Once you have found your old root partition do this
> >
> > # mount /dev/hda8 /mnt   (You may have this mounted
> > already from steps)
> > # chroot mount
> > # cat /etc/fstab
> > You can use the output of the cat command to mount
> > your other partitions.
> >
> > Now you can archive...  You can also try to restore
> > the boot with /sbin/lilo
> > or the equivalent for grub.
> >
> > Civileme
> =====
> ______________________________________________________
> Jessie L. Bonner              [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Research Scientist            [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Weston Geophysical            508-393-4600
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