At 01:33 PM 3/28/01 -0500, you wrote:
>Could someone repost the dual boot response that included a way to add Linux
>into your NT boot loader options list
>Thanks in advance
>Seth "Cosmo" Kramer

I recently did a NT / Linux install and was referred to a good how-to that 
worked well.  The only problem is, the information is on my Linux / 95 
machine, and it crashed when my floppy went out.  I did recover it and 
freed up some space, but it crashed again.  Hopefully someone else can 
refer you to the how-to.  It looks like I'm going to have wipe out 7.1 and 
start over again.  I'm really disappointed that the OS is that unstable as 
to crash when a piece of hardware goes out.  Even Windows can deal with 
that.  Sorry, I wish I could help.



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